Company Settings

This guide will walk you through the essential settings and customization options in Trak to optimize your job creation process and capture critical business data effectively.

1. Accessing Settings

To begin, click on your name in the top right corner of Trak to access all account settings.

2. Custom Fields

Custom fields are pivotal for capturing and organizing data across your platform. Here’s how you can manage them:

  • Definition: Custom fields allow you to add specific data points to jobs, clients, timesheets, and more.
  • Types: They can be text, numbers, dropdowns, checkboxes, dates, and more.
  • Application: Customize where these fields appear (e.g., jobs, clients) and make them mandatory or optional.

3. Creating Custom Fields

Follow these steps to create a custom field:

  • Go to your name > Custom Fields tab.
  • Choose where the field applies (e.g., jobs, clients).
  • Define the field name and type (text, number, etc.).
  • Specify display options like PDF visibility, calendar display, and user permissions.

4. Custom Field Example

For instance, create a "Building Permit Number" field to input relevant numbers for each job, which can then be filtered, displayed on PDFs, or tracked on calendars.

5. Job Types

Job types categorize different kinds of work you undertake, helping with reporting and organization:

  • Define job types under Settings > Job Types.
  • Tailor job types to match your specific business needs (e.g., maintenance, renovations, commercial).

6. Job Defaults

Setting defaults streamlines job creation:

  • Establish default settings like job names (e.g., using the job address), job types (e.g., maintenance), and folder templates.
  • Automate repetitive tasks to save time and ensure consistency across jobs.

7. Sub-Job Defaults

For complex projects or recurring tasks:

  • Customize sub-jobs under Settings > Sub-Job Defaults.
  • Pre-fill details such as descriptions, contacts, and custom fields to streamline project management.

8. Templates

Templates are useful for recurring jobs or standard tasks:

  • Create job templates under Templates > Job Templates.
  • Include job types, statuses, and custom fields to expedite job creation.

9. Recurring Jobs

Trak supports recurring job management:

  • Set up recurring jobs for regular tasks (e.g., inspections, maintenance).
  • Manage recurring job settings in Company Settings to specify recurrence intervals and details.

10. Further Assistance

For additional support on customizing settings, creating custom fields, defining job types, or optimizing job defaults, please contact our support team. We're here to help you maximize efficiency in Trak.

By leveraging these settings and customization features in Trak, you can streamline operations, enhance data capture, and improve overall business efficiency.