Job Overview

This guide will detail how you can effectively manage jobs within our platform. Once you've created a job in Trak, accessing and managing it across various functionalities becomes seamless and efficient.

Accessing Jobs

Jobs are accessible from multiple areas within the Trak system, ensuring ease of navigation and quick access to critical information. Whether from the main dashboard, recently viewed jobs, favorited jobs, or through the activity feed and task lists, you can click on the job name to open it up instantly.

Job Details and Navigation

Upon opening a job, you'll encounter the main job card. Depending on your access level, the left-hand side provides access to essential functionalities, while the middle section offers an overview of job details. The right-hand side displays a detailed activity feed, timestamped to provide a chronological overview of actions related to the job.

Monitoring Job Progress

The activity feed on the right-hand side is crucial for tracking job progress. It captures all updates with date and time stamps, offering transparency on job activities. This feature is invaluable for reviewing past actions, monitoring ongoing tasks, and ensuring responsive client communication.

Job Status and Management

Trak simplifies job status management with color-coded indicators visible at the top left and center of the page. These indicators reflect the job status across user schedules and calendars. Job statuses can be updated from multiple locations, including the main tab, top of the page, bulk changes from the jobs list, or through scheduling and calendar adjustments.

Financial Insights and Management

Each job in Trak generates a comprehensive finance summary, integrating quotes, invoices, payments, purchase orders, material orders, expenses, and approved timesheets. This summary provides real-time visibility into quoting status, invoicing details, profitability, and cost analysis. It's a powerful tool for financial oversight and decision-making.

Customizable Functionality

Trak offers customizable functionality to suit your business needs. Features like sign-on/sign-off buttons for staff or subcontractors facilitate efficient time and location tracking. Customizable job descriptions, client contacts, and correspondence records (emails and SMS) ensure all communications are centralized and easily accessible.

Projects and Recurring Jobs

For businesses requiring structured management, Trak allows the creation of projects to consolidate related jobs or stages. This feature is ideal for maintaining service histories, managing variations, or overseeing larger projects with multiple phases. Additionally, recurring jobs can be set up with customizable parameters, ensuring automated scheduling and service continuity.

Streamlined Operations

Trak's "Do and Charge" functionality simplifies invoicing for jobs without prior quotes. It automates the invoice creation process based on tracked timesheets and expenses, ensuring timely billing and financial accuracy. Moreover, subcontractor management within Trak enables seamless collaboration and oversight on job assignments.

Enhanced Functionality Overview

The left-hand sidebar in Trak provides access to various functionalities, tailored to your subscription level and access permissions. Each tab represents a distinct aspect of job management, with notifications reflecting updates in real-time, ensuring you're always informed.


Trak empowers businesses with robust tools for job management, financial oversight, and operational efficiency. Whether you're tracking project progress, managing finances, or coordinating with subcontractors, Trak offers the flexibility and insights needed to succeed. Explore more features and optimize your workflow with Trak today!

For further assistance or to explore advanced functionalities, please contact our support team at or utilize the support features within the Trak platform. We're committed to helping you leverage Trak to its fullest potential for your business success. Thank you for choosing Trak as your trusted partner in job management and growth.