Task Calendar

This guide will show how you can effectively manage tasks in Trak by using our intuitive task management and calendar features.

Creating Templated Task Lists

In Trak, you can streamline task management by creating templated task lists. These templates are invaluable for jobs where tasks repeat regularly or follow a structured sequence. For instance, let's take the example of installing a shed at 65 Main Street Greensboro.

Templated Task Lists

When setting up a task template, key features include:

  • Days After First Date: Tasks automatically populate on your task calendar based on this setting. For example, a site inspection may be scheduled the day after the start date, followed by material delivery two days later, and so forth.
  • User Role Allocation: Tasks can be assigned to specific user roles (e.g., supervisor, contractor) ensuring seamless delegation once users are assigned to the job.

Managing Predecessor Tasks

Predecessor tasks in Trak ensure task dependencies are managed efficiently. If one task, such as pouring footings, is delayed due to weather, subsequent tasks linked through predecessors automatically adjust their schedule accordingly. This streamlined approach saves time and ensures tasks move cohesively without manual adjustments.

Task Implementation in a Job

Let's apply this to a real job scenario. After creating a job and setting a start date, simply select the templated task list (e.g., Installation of Shed) and drop it into the job. Tasks automatically populate on the calendar based on the configured timeline.

Assigning Users and Managing Tasks

Once tasks are added to a job, you can assign users directly from the user list. For instance, assigning a supervisor like Rita Stevens ensures that all supervisor-related tasks are automatically assigned to her dashboard for action.

Task Calendar Overview

Trak's task calendar provides a comprehensive view of all scheduled tasks for each job. This includes details such as site inspections, material deliveries, and construction phases. You can manage tasks directly from the calendar, adjusting dates as needed to accommodate changes in job scheduling.

Real-Time Task Updates and Completion

As tasks progress, updates are reflected in real-time on the task list and activity feed. Completed tasks can be marked off directly on the task calendar, providing instant visibility into job progress and completion statuses.

Enhanced Task Management Features

  • Filtering and Notifications: Customize your view by filtering tasks based on dates, job details, teams, or users. Notifications can be set up to alert stakeholders when tasks are completed or require attention.
  • Task Templates and Customization: Tailor task lists to specific job requirements or create new templates as needed. Trak's flexibility ensures tasks can be adapted to varying job complexities and timelines.


Trak's robust task management capabilities empower you to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and maintain oversight across all jobs. Whether managing recurring tasks, adjusting schedules, or monitoring task completion, Trak provides the tools to optimize workflow efficiency.

For more information on tasks, task calendars, or predecessor tasks, please visit our support desk or contact us at contact@trak.co. We're committed to helping you maximize the benefits of Trak for your business success.

Thank you for choosing Trak for your task management needs. We look forward to supporting your journey towards enhanced job efficiency and client satisfaction.