Tasks Overview

This guide will cover basic task management within the platform. We'll focus on creating, managing, and integrating tasks into your workflow effectively.

Creating Tasks

Tasks in Trak can be created manually, through automations, or as part of job templates. They are versatile and can be customized to suit various needs:

  • Create task templates under your name to standardize common tasks or workflows.
  • Tasks can be assigned to users or teams, ensuring clear responsibilities and accountability.

Managing Tasks

Tasks can be managed in two primary ways:

  1. Task List:
    • View tasks in a list format, filterable by users and status (e.g., overdue).
    • Mark tasks as complete, edit details, reassign, or delete in bulk for efficient management.

      Task Calendar (Premium Feature):

    • Access a visual task calendar to see daily task schedules.
    • Linked tasks automatically adjust when one task's schedule changes, ideal for complex workflows.

Task Integration

Tasks can be added in different contexts within Trak:

  • Global Tasks: Manage non-job specific tasks from the Tasks tab.
  • Job Specific Tasks: Add tasks directly within a job, ensuring tasks are aligned with specific job requirements.

Automations and Advanced Task Management

Automations in Trak enhance task efficiency:

  • Set up automations to trigger tasks based on specific events (e.g., quote approval delays).
  • Automate follow-ups and reminders to streamline workflow processes.

Support and Assistance

For assistance with setting up tasks, integrating automations, or any other queries related to task management in Trak, contact our support team at contact@trak.co or use the support chat in the bottom right corner of the platform.


Task management in Trak provides a structured approach to handling operational tasks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Explore the flexibility and efficiency of task management in Trak, and we look forward to hearing your feedback on how it enhances your business operations. Thank you for choosing Trak!