Create a Booking Form

Create a Booking Form

With Trade Trak's Booking Form feature, you can have jobs automatically created in Trade Trak by clients who just have to fill out a fully customisable form from a unique link to help you improve your workflow and save you time in creating jobs.

Enabling the Booking Form Feature

To be able to access the Booking Form feature, you must first enable it in the API settings. To do this, click on your profile picture or name in the top right corner of the navigation bar to bring up the dropdown menu. From here, select  "Company Settings", then "Data Management" and go into "API Settings".

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Once you're on the API Settings page, simply scroll down to the Booking Form entry and if the toggle on the right hand side of it says 'Disabled', just click on it to change it to 'Enabled'.

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Setting up your Booking Form

Once you have enabled your Booking Form feature, you can now customise your booking form so it reflects exactly what you want your clients to be able to fill out when booking a job.

To find your booking form settings, go to your right hand dropdown menu again and go into "Company Settings", then "Integrations" and select "Booking Form".

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Booking Form Designer

The first section in the Booking Form settings lets you design your custom booking form. Using the checkboxes on the left hand side of the page, you can add which fields you would like. As a default, Client Name will always be selected to ensure you know who is booking the job. Once you have selected a field, it will appear to the right of the page.

The fields you can add to your form are:

  • Site Address
  • Job Type (client selects job type from a dropdown list of job types you have previously created)
  • Job Custom Field (select which custom fields you want to show from a dropdown list of job custom fields you have previously created)
  • Client Phone
  • Client Email
  • Client Address
  • Client Custom Field (select which custom fields you want to show from a dropdown list of client custom fields you have previously created)
  • Notes
  • File Upload

Underneath the checkboxes, there's a button to add an Extra Text Field. Clicking this will add a field to your form that you can fully customise. You can call this field whatever you would like and then select what type of field you would like it to be from the 'Field Type' dropdown. The types you can choose from are:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Checkbox
  • Date
  • Time
  • Dropdown

You can remove an unwanted Extra Field by simply clicking on the bin icon that says 'Remove Field' underneath.

Each field comes with a pre-set label that will show on the booking form, however if you want to change that label, you can change it on the right in the respective field in the box labelled Custom Label. For example, if you wish your booking form to say Full Name instead of Client Name, simply write 'Full Name' in the custom label box.

You can also set any field to be mandatory for the client to fill out in order to submit the form, you just have to tick the checkbox labelled 'Field Must Be Answered'.

Finally, you can rearrange any of the fields on the booking form by clicking on the 6 dots to the left of the field and dragging it to where you want it to be situated on the booking form.

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Default Values

The next section on the booking form page relates to how you want the job that is then created from a submitted booking form to be set up on your Trade Trak account.

1) Job Name

Here you can select what you want the name of a new job created via the booking form to be. You can also click on this box to add placeholders to the field such as the date or week the job was created.

2) Job Type

Here you can choose what job type you would like newly created booking form jobs to have. You can create new job types under "Company Settings" if you need.

3) Job Status

Here you can select the status you would like all newly created booking jobs to have when they are populated into your Trade Trak account. You can create new statuses in the "Job Statuses" menu if you need.

4) Job Description

Here you can set what description you would like all newly created jobs from the booking form to have when they are populated into your Trade Trak account.

5) Job Custom Fields

If you would like any of your job custom fields to be filled out automatically when a new job is created from the booking form, you can select which ones and what you would like them to be filled out with on the right hand side of the page.

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Form Options

Under the Form Options section, you can adjust some extra settings you would like your booking form to have.

In the 'Form Name' box, you can change what you would like your booking form to be titled as. This name will appear at the top of the booking form when your clients view it.

In the 'Confirmation Message' box, you can write the message you wish to appear to the clients once they have submitted the booking form.

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Once you have finished customising the settings for you booking form, press the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Booking Form Link

Once you have filled out all your settings, scroll back to the top of the booking form page and you will find a link next to a hyperlink symbol. This link will direct to your booking form. Send this to clients or display this link anywhere you would like people to be able to access your booking form. Once they have filled filled out this form, a new job will be automatically made in Trade Trak and you will be notified.

If you want to view your booking form yourself to see how it looks or to test it, simply click on this link and you will be taken to a new page.

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